The Presbyterians

Pres 1Presbyterians  in the U.S. number around  1.7 million members in over 10,000 congregations.

The Presbyterian Church is abbreviated PC(USA), and is a mainline protestant denomination in the United States. It is the largest Presbyterian denomination in the US and known for its liberal stance on doctrine and its ordaining of women and members of the LGBT community as elders and ministers.

This denomination branched off after the Scottish reformation, which followed Luther’s reformation, in which theologians such asPres 3 John Knox and John Calvin (a French lawyer) emphasized  the role of predestination, that everyone in the universe are pre-selected for salvation.

They adhere to Covenant, or Reformed theology, believing in the sovereignty of God. They believe in two sacraments, Baptism and Lord’s Supper, communion only to be symbolism for Christ’s flesh and blood, which is different from the Catholic, Lutheran, and Anglican beliefs.

Pres 1Presbyterians believe in strong congregational involvement in their church government.  They believe in the authority of the Bible, but do not believe in a strictly literal interpretation. They tends towards formality and traditional worship.

They believe men and women should use reason and science to determine how things happen.

The church emphasizes salvation through faith, with grace, not good works.

About Dr. Robert

I am married to Janet and we have four children. I am active in an evangelical church in southeast Wisconsin in leadership and teaching . I have been an internist for over 30 years and keep busy by taking care of a full load of patients. On the side, I like to write, coach, mentor, spend time with my family just hangin' out, and help take care of our dog; a rusty colored Golden Retriever named Finley.
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8 Responses to The Presbyterians

  1. Interesting…I know they recently have split over LGBTQ-abcdXYZ issues. On a humorous angle, I once read that the Presbyterians gave rise to an offshoot denomination called the Frisbeeterians….this sect believes that when you die your soul goes up onto your roof and never comes back down. (Hey, gotta keep a smile on our faces, eh?) 🙂

  2. rwfrohlich says:

    “…emphasized the role of predestination, that everyone in the universe are pre-selected for salvation.” This is not quite correct. Everyone is predestined for either salvation or reprobation according to the common reformed creeds such as the Westminster Confession,, and more importantly the bible.
    Ephesians 1:4-5 (ESV) “…even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ,”
    Also Jesus makes this clear in His discourse found in Matthew 25:31-46.
    Having said all that, I do enjoy reading your brief synopses of the various denominations.

    • Dr. Robert says:

      As you know, the issue of predestination has been battered about by much smarter people than me since Calvin in the 1500s to
      Arminianism (I believe 1600s) which say that we have the choice to follow God or not. Actually I blogged on the topic a few years ago.
      In terms specific to Presbyterians, sorry about the “looseness” of the document. I am generally trying to paint a big picture of where the denominations are coming from. Methodism next. Thank you.

  3. Jim Kaplan says:

    Not since D. James Kennedy have I been able to take Presbyterian Ministry serious. I so enjoyed D. James Kennedy’s Sherman’s because they were Biblical and always illustrated the Christian way of life.

  4. Jim Kaplan says:

    Autocorrect changed sermons to Shermon’s.

  5. Dr. Robert says:

    JIm- if you haven’t, read D. James’ book called (paraphrased) “Where would our society be if Jesus Never lived.” Great read

  6. Jim Kaplan says:

    Thanks and God’s blessings Dr. G.

  7. Dr. Robert says:

    I am likely going to be starting up a men’s bible study on Saturday mornings in the near future. If you are interested I’ll reach out to you.

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